“What do the people that come to airshows want to see? They want to see jet teams – Navy Blue Angles, United States Air Force Thunderbirds. What do they want to see next? They either want to see current military aircraft or former military aircraft – Oh, WARBIRDS. When a Warbird fly by, it gets the hair standing up and you feel the pride and excitement, I’m feeling something. Well, that’s what I think the Warbirds are all about. They are old, gorgeous, big beautiful historical planes… and boy-o-boy, when the engine fires up and that noise is going on with that big round radial engine, or a Merlin on a Mustang and they fly by or whistling death by a Corsair… those are things you never forget. Oh, because you were introduced to Warbirds, now you want to go back and hear them again, so you just have to get down there and not miss them.” -Jim Olzacki.